Go To Webinar Integration

Go To Webinar Integration

Trade associations and professional societies often use Microsoft Teams as their preferred delivery mechanism of for webinars and virtual conferences, which is not ideal. Using TopClass and GoTo Webinar as a combined solution provides streamlined administration and a seamless experience for your learners.

Create Activities Once

Whether you are creating your webinars and virtual events in an AMS or directly in TopClass, TopClass will manage the automatic creation of the events in Go To Webinar. Keeping both systems in sync as you manage your sessions  

Registration simplified

As your learners register for webinars they will be automatically registered in Go To Webinar without any need to access it, allowing a streamlined registration process.




Single Sign on for attendees

Learners and attendees can access the webinars directly from their TopClass learning center, allowing them launch and SSO directly into the Go To Webinar session on demand. 

Track Attendance

The sync attendance features allows attendance information to be pulled back to TopClass from Go To Webinar, allowing users to be given full or partial credit automatically based on rules in TopClass




Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, TopClass has developed its own direct Go To Webinar bridge, allowing integration without the need for any 3rd party.   

There is an annual Go To Webinar Bridge License fee to use this integration however there are no implementation costs and the integration can be configured in 1-2 hours.