NetForum Integration

NetForum Integration

Associations use NetForum as their single source of information from their members. Streamline your operations with our integrated system. Easily manage user access, group users, import activities, sync purchases, and share achievements seamlessly between systems. Elevate your training management effortlessly. 

Single Sign-On and Automatic Member Updates  

Streamline access with Single Sign-On (SSO) via Netforum directly into TopClass. No more double logins! Once authenticated, TopClass effortlessly updates member profiles with the latest information from Netforum.  

Group Your Members  

Simplify organization by grouping members. Our integrations automatically place members into designated groups, such as by location or membership type, saving you time and effort.  


Create Your Activities  

Effortlessly populate your activities by leveraging the Netforum Catalog. TopClass seamlessly imports new activities, eliminating manual data entry.  


Sync Your Member’s Purchases  

Keep everything in sync. Purchases made in Netforum are automatically imported into TopClass, ensuring that members have immediate access to their Activities upon login.  

Activity Writebacks  

Instantly share Activity completion information with Netforum in real-time. As members finish Activities, TopClass sends updates to Netforum, keeping records accurate and up-to-date.  


Frequently Asked Questions

TopClass’ NetForum integration includes a single sign on mechanism. This allows users to be seamlessly logged into TopClass if they have already authenticated via NetForum. NetForum provides a solution for Single Sign On with their eweb API. You can read more on it and the other options that are available on the following page: 

TopClass uses the executeMethod that is part of the XWEB API from NetForum

Yes, TopClass has developed its own direct NetForum bridge, allowing integration without the need for any 3rd party.   You will need to provide us API credentials which can be obtained from your NetForum support representative.

Integrations are typically completed within a matter of weeks weeks and require 10 – 40 Consulting Hours. We can provide an estimate following a discussion on the integration touch points.